Legal Disclaimer
Terms and Conditions
Effective Date: January 1, 2024
Last Updated: January 1, 2024
Primary disclaimer
Home, pricing, and community information is subject to change, on homes prior to sale, at any time without notice or obligation. Square footages and dimensions are approximate and may vary in construction and depending on the standard of measurement used, engineering and municipal requirements, or other site-specific conditions. Not an offer or solicitation to sell real property. All rights reserved.
Build your home disclaimer
Pricing can vary based on city and jurisdiction. Home, pricing, and community information is subject to change, on homes prior to sale, at any time without notice or obligation. Square footages and dimensions are approximate and may vary in construction and depending on the standard of measurement used, engineering and municipal requirements, or other site-specific conditions. Not an offer or solicitation to sell real property. ©2024 Riley Projects. All rights reserved.
Realtor disclaimer
Commission structure and payout to be determined at the time an offer is presented and subject to review and approval by agents broker. Home, pricing, and community information is subject to change, on homes prior to sale, at any time without notice or obligation. Square footages and dimensions are approximate and may vary in construction and depending on the standard of measurement used, engineering and municipal requirements, or other site-specific conditions. Not an offer or solicitation to sell real property.
General opt-in disclaimer
By entering information in a form on this site you agree to receive future marketing communications from Riley Projects and R House.
Media page disclaimer
By using this Site, I agree to its Terms & Conditions. All content downloaded from the Site (photography, audio and video, etc.) may be used for editorial purposes only. Any other use of Site content, including, without limitation, personal or commercial use, is strictly prohibited.
Specific legal disclaimers
Riley Projects uses good faith efforts to provide complete and accurate information, including but not limited to availability and prices of homes or lots, but it is not possible to completely ensure that information on this website is constantly correct and at any time such prices and terms are subject to change, prior sale, selected lot premiums and/or predetermined options. Prices shown refer to the base house and do not include any optional features. Photos and/or drawings of homes show upgraded landscaping and may not represent the lowest-priced homes in a community. Riley Projects reserves the right to make changes to its home designs and to build more or fewer homes than currently planned. All renderings and floor plans in these materials are an artists’ conceptual drawings and will vary from the actual plans and homes as built. Square footage numbers are approximate and may vary depending on the standard measurement used. Riley Proejcts does not guarantee that any communities with guard gates will be guarded in perpetuity or that the gate will provide additional security or protection for residents. Views vary significantly by lot location and may be affected by future development. Promotional programs are typically available only on select lots at select communities and typically are not available in conjunction with other offers. Any photographs or renderings of people in these materials do not depict racial preference. Payment of any Broker Co-Op fee will be subject to certain conditions including, but not limited to, completion of a registration card evidencing that the buyer was accompanied by the broker on the first visit to the home.
THIS WEB SITE IS MADE AVAILABLE ‘AS IS’ WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT and Riley Projects does not warrant the accuracy and completeness of information, text, graphics, links or items contained on this web site or that its service in providing this web site will be constant or uninterrupted.
The website and the materials on the website are subject to change without notice and represent no commitment on the part of Riley Projects in the future. All products and services are provided subject to applicable taxes and accompanying terms and conditions. In no event shall Riley Projects be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages of any kind, or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits whether or not advised of the possibility of damages, and on any theory of liability, arising out of or in connection with your use of the materials.
This website may be accessed by individuals throughout the United States and internationally. It may contain references or cross-references to Riley Projects programs, products and services that are not available in your state or country. These references do not imply that Riley Projects intends to make such programs, products or services available to residents in your state. The information contained in this website is not intended as a solicitation to users residing in states where Riley Projects or its affiliates are not authorized to conduct business.
Certain parts of this web site are accessible by password only. Riley Projects may provide you with a password. Riley Projects will not share your password with any party. It is also your responsibility to keep your password confidential and secure and you take care to log-off (and/or close your browser) after accessing a password protected area of the website. You will be considered responsible for all interactions that occur on this website using your password.
Equal Housing Opportunity
All real estate information provided herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Your state or local jurisdiction may impose additional requirements. Riley Projects is pledged to the letter and spirit of the United States policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity. Riley Projects encourages and supports an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin. All dwellings within the United States advertised by Riley Projects and its affiliated entities are available on an equal opportunity basis.
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